Name: Sarah Mortimer BEng, FGS, CGeol, RSoBRA (Human Health), ASoBRA (Permanent Gases & Vapour Intrusion)

Position: Head of Ground Gas Risk Assessment

& Design

Experience: Sarah has a wealth of knowledge with over 20 years experience in the investigation,

assessment, design and operation/management of ground gas mitigation systems.


Sarah is well known in the industry, having been on the Executive Committee for SoBRA. She is regularly asked to speak at conferences and has a good working relationships with various Regulators. Sarah advocates a pragmatic, consistent and transparent approach to ground gas / vapour intrusion risk assessment – consistent with UK legislation, guidance and good practice.


Authored Documents:

  • CLAIRE Research Bulletin 17A Pragmatic Approach to Ground Gas Risk Assessment (2012)
  • ICE PublicationPiled Foundations and Pathways for Ground Gas Migration in the UK (2017)
  • CIRIA Report C801Hazardous Ground Gas, A Site Management Guide. 

Contact Details:

Name: Mick Corban SGPV

Position: Director

Experience: Mick has over 30 years experience in the Construction Industry, having originally trained as a Building Surveyor he first encountered gas protection over 20 years ago, having worked in a number of technical roles in the gas protection industry for both consultants and contractors he set up the first dedicated consultancy specialising in the testing and inspection of gas protection systems.


Mick holds the NVQ Level 4 in Gas Protection Verifcation and is also a registered Specialist In Gas Protection Verification (SGPV) and can issue declarations of conformity under the CL:AIRE GPVS scheme. He is also an assesor for the aformentioned accredition scheme and is the lead trainer on the CL:AIRE Verification Of Gas Protection Schemes Training Course.


Authored Documents:

  • CIRIA Report C735 - Good practice on the testing and verification of protection systems for buildings against hazardous ground gases
  • CIRIA Report C801 - Hazardous Ground Gas, A Site Management Guide. 

Contact Details:

Name: Dan Squire TGPV, NVQ 4 Gas Protection Verification, NVQ 2 Gas Membrane Installation

Position: Senior Surveyor

Experience: Dan has over 15 years experience in the gas protection and geomembrane industry, starting as a geomembrane installer Dan worked his way upto Contracts Manager in his previous employment.


Dan joined MEC Environmental in 2018 and continued his training and was one of the first people in the country to attain the NVQ 4 in Gas Protection Verification.


In 2022 Dan was promoted to Senior Surveyor and also gained his TGPV accreditation. 


He now organises all site inspections and manages our nationwide team of surveyors.


To book an inspection then please contact him at:



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Verification Inspections



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